As someone coming from outside the political sphere, I have nothing to lose by telling you the truth as I see it. I do my best to reach out about and research every problem, so I can give you an informed opinion to the best of my ability. Currently, my largest focus has been on transit, but if you think there's a gap in my view, please feel free to let me know!
As Halifax continues to grow at a fast rate, Haligonians are quickly learning everything that means to them. Not only are we going to need the housing that's been enabled by the Housing Accelerator Fund, but we'll also need a way to get around the municipality once our population has grown to match and exceed our new housing supply.
By putting a focus on active transport and transit, we can allow for significantly more mobility within the urban core, freeing up roads for those who would still be in need of a daily vehicle to get around.
Regional Council has been going above and beyond in terms of their contributions to housing within the municipality, and I don't plan to change that. I would like to encourage new developments to allow for retail spaces and/or restaurants within the buildings themselves.
City staff, likewise has been handling the housing and homelessness crisis to the best of their ability. Particular props to to Max Chauvin, for his consistent passion when presenting the topic to both the public and council.
As Halifax grows, so will its need for recreational services. Recreation is not a profit centre for any city, which is why we cannot depend on private companies to pick up the city's slack. Those in charge of our recreation must not be profit driven in order to make the best decision for residents of the Municipality.